常見問題 FAQ
1- 於關機狀況下,如扇葉會自動旋轉,是否正常?
2- 抽油煙機與煮食爐距離是否越近越好?
3- 啟動煮食爐前應否先行啟動油煙機?
4- 燒水時應否啟動油煙機?
5- 啟動油煙機之時應否關上所有門窗?
如有其他問題, 請致電服務熱線 2693 6983。
1- Why do the fans rotate automatically during "off" status?
This is due to natural air turbulence coming through the ventilation duct.
2- Should the range hood be installed as close to the stove as possible to get the best result?
The standard installation height is 65 to 75cm between the bottom of the hood to the top of the stove.
3- Does it help by switching on the range hood prior to cooking?
This will help air turbulence formation facilitating exhaustion in addition to lowering kitchen temperature.
4- Should the range hood be turned on when boiling water ?
This will help expedition of trihalomethanes and lowering kitchen temperature and moisture.
5- Should we close all the windows and door when we switch on the range hood?
Close the windows or door close to the range hood to avoid air turbulence but keep the windows or door far from the range hood opened to help air circulation.
Should further information be required, please call our service hotline 2693 6983


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